Warning: getimagesize(images/images/Catwalk3KA.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/h/hollebeeksch_h1/www/joomla/plugins/content/multithumb/multithumb.php on line 1558 Warning: getimagesize(images/images/Catwalk3KB.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/h/hollebeeksch_h1/www/joomla/plugins/content/multithumb/multithumb.php on line 1558

There is no image or category is unpublished or not authorized

Vorig jaar werden onze leerlingen 'peter' van een fruitboom.

Peterschap betekent niet alleen naar de boom gaan kijken, maar ook verzorgen.

Enkele leerlingen van 5B verzorgen hun boom.

There is no image or category is unpublished or not authorized

There is no image or category is unpublished or not authorized